docker pull vladgh/minidlna
MiniDLNA (Dockerfile)
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This is MiniDLNA on top of minimal Alpine. It can be configured with environment variables.
Prefix any configuration directive of MiniDLNA with MINIDLNA_ and run your container:
1 | docker run -d \ |
Note: You need to run the container in host mode for it to be able to receive UPnP broadcast packets. The default bridge mode will not work.
Multiple Media dirs
Any environment variable starting with MINIDLNA_MEDIA_DIR will be treated as an additional media_dir directive and any suffix in the variable name will be trimmed (ex: MINIDLNA_MEDIA_DIR_1). This way you can declare multiple media_dir directives
1 | docker run -d \ |
See: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/man5/minidlna.conf.5.html